BhENEFIT proposes a holistic approach to the management of the Historic Built Areas (hereinafter HBA), considering a wide spectrum of related aspects, concerning daily maintenance links to preservation and valorization of historic heritage in a sustainable perspective. The project runs from 1. 6. 2017 til 30. 11. 2019 and is financed by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme.
The proposed strategy considers:
- functional compatibility evaluation between the expected use and the historical value;
- performance optimization of the building, in the perspective of its energy efficiency and structural behaviour
- long-term sustainability of the action, with minimization of emergency actions through a comprehensive monitoring
strategy, which is aimed at planned preservation of Cultural Heritage.
To implement that strategy, BhENEFIT wants to build management capacities, involving and coordinating relevant
players from public and private sectors and providing innovative methodologies, deployed also from the RTD
activities of the technical partners for the b(h)enefit of the local communities.
BHENEFIT methodology will be validated by 13 partners in 8 different HBA pilot areas in Central Europe, every of
which is related to specific issues (earthquake, pollution, touristic flows, energy efficiency etc.): the developed tools
(action plans, ICT tools, etc) will be customized to local needs.
Our contribution to the project is the promotional video about the approach of the Czech city of Mikulov to built heritage.
The Bhenefit projects also deals with concrete on-site historical build areas management challenges. In this video we are sharing stories of the first two pilot areas-cities: Poprad (Slovakia) and Mantova (Italy).
BhENEFIT have been included as part of the EU initiative ‘2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage’.
1th project chronicle video from Mantova
2nd project chronicle video from Poprad
3th project chronicle video from Bad Radkesburg
4th project chronicle video from Modena
5th project chronicle video from Karlovač
6th project chronicle video from Bratislava
The Bhenefit project searched for examples of good management of historic buildings and/or areas that could be described as a best practice, which we could also learn form and apply to other cases of historical build areas management.
For more info look at project facebook or web site.
Project newsletter brings up to date information about the development of the project. Read here 1th issue, 2nd issue, 3th issue from November 2018.
BhENEFIT released project leaflet with basic info. Download this pdf.